
Professor Paulo Freire (1921–1997), always in dialogue with his students, learned that it was necessary to listen and to work together; with great social sensitivity, he also understood, through them, that education is not separate from each person’s conditions and perspective of life. On this basis, he developed an educational practice couched in the universe of the learner and, at the same time, one that thinks and constructs the world. It was necessary not only to teach how to write “house” but also to defend the right for everyone to have one.

Equipped with a successful method for the teaching of literacy – put to the test in various experiments in the country, including in Angicos (RN), a city in which 300 people learned to read and write in just 40 hours – and with a philosophy marked by words such as freedom, indignation, hope, awareness, lovingness and autonomy, Paulo Freire created a way of thinking coupled with an attitude that became influential in Brazil and around the world, in the area of education and beyond it.

The Ocupação project’s current edition – held in this year that marks the 100th anniversary of the philosopher, writer and educator’s birth – presents an overview of his thought and practice while spotlighting the living potential it still holds. We follow the repercussion of his proposals – communicated in more than three dozen books – and tell about his life, from the shadow of a mango tree in Pernambuco to more than 30 countries, from his exile during Brazil’s dictatorship to worldwide veneration.

Ocupação Paulo Freire also presents a printed publication with interviews with various “non-followers” of the pedagogue, who always said that people should not follow but rather transform him. On this website you can find portions of the material shown in the exhibition, alongside other content available exclusively here.

Ficha técnica



President Alfredo Setubal
Director Eduardo Saron


Research, conception, curatorships and realization Itaú Cultural
Exhibition design Thereza Faria
Audiovisual research Ilka Hempfing (outsourced)
Accessibility design Itaú Cultural


Manager Claudiney Ferreira
Coordinator Kety Fernandes Nassar
Audiovisual production Amanda Lopes, Camila Fink and Letícia Santos
Editing Karina Fogaça


Manager Valéria Toloi
Public service and special projects manager Tayná Menezes
Service team Amanda Freitas, Caroline Faro, Matheus Paz, Natasha Bernardo Marcondes,
Victor Soriano and Vinícius Magnun
Special projects team Thays Heleno
Training coordinator Samara Ferreira
Team Alessandra Silva Constantini (intern), Edinho dos Santos, Edson Bismark, Elissa Sanitá, Joelson Oliveira, Lucas Batista, Mayra Reis Rocha, Mônica Abreu Silva, Silas Barbosa (intern), Tonne de Andrade, Victória de Oliveira, Vítor Luz and Vitor Narumi


Manager Ana de Fátima Sousa
Coordinator Carlos Costa
Content production and editing Duanne Ribeiro, Fernanda Castello Branco and Milena Buarque
Supervision of revision Polyana Lima
Text revision Karina Hambra and Rachel Reis (outsourced)
Graphic design Guilherme Ferreira
Visual communication Girafa Não Fala (outsourced), Guilherme Ferreira and Liane Tiemi (outsourced)
Editorial production Victória Pimentel
Graphic production Lilia Góes (outsourced)
Photography editing André Seiti and Matheus Castro (intern)
Social networks Helen Souza Couto (intern), Jullyanna Salles and Renato Corch


Manager Gilberto Labor
Exhibition coordinator Vinícius Ramos
Production Carmen Fajardo, Erica Pedrosa, Fabio Marotta, Priscila Tavares and Wanderley Bispo
Events coordinator Januário Santis
Production Eduardo Maffeis, Isadora Disero, Marcelo Rocha, Rafael Desimone and Wanderley Bispo
Infrastructure coordinator Roseane Arbex Castro
Production Agenor Silva Neto, Cintia Surianie, Fernanda Jesus, Matheus Feitosa (young apprentice) and Wellington Rodrigues


Manager Anna Paula Montini
Coordinator Daniel Lourenço
Team Rafael Del Piero Fernandes


Adriana Palú, Ana Mae Barbosa, Ana Maria Araújo Freire, Angela Antunes, Beá Meira, Célia Gambini, Cristina Freire, Escola Municipal de Saúde de São Paulo, Fátima Freire, Frei Betto, Gleyce Kelly Heitor, Helena Leal David, Instituto Francisco Brennand, Joaquim Freire, Lícia Morais, Lilian Contreiras, Lutgardes Freire, Madalena Freire, Marcos Guerra, Mario Sergio Cortella, Moacir Gadotti, Museu da Pessoa, Paulo Santiago de Augustinis, Secretaria Municipal de Educação de São Paulo, Sérgio Haddad, Sônia Madi, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie and Walter Kohan

Itaú Cultural (IC) has made every effort to find the holders of copyrights pertaining to the images/works shown and published here, as well as the people photographed. If anyone recognizes themself or identifies some photograph of their authorship, please contact us by the email atendimento@itaucultural.org.br.
